Tuesday, June 1, 2010

More Body

It's been a while since the last update, since then I've had the body sand blasted and move it to the body guys. With their keen eye we discovered quite a few problems with the body. The body was twisted slightly with the front right twisting down, the front of the inner sills were both warped inwards and the nose needed some flattening to match up with the new grill. The A and B posts needed tweaking on both side of the car as well as the inner structure of the right front fender had to be modified to allow the fender to move closer to the tub and line up with the outside edge of the door.

Although there is still lots of work, the tough part is over. The doors line up beautifully and it's really starting to take shape. This week we will place the body on the frame for a final check before priming with epoxy, then the real work of smoothing out all the imperfections starts.

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