Sunday, June 24, 2012

Completed Interior

The interior was an exercise in patience.
I was surprised at the work needed to complete all the trim work, and the carpet was a whole other adventure. Everything needed "tweaking", even the trim panels need to be shortened in a couple of spots. For all the work I did to custom fit all the "pre-cut" panels , I believe I would have been farther ahead if I just bought raw materials and cut everything myself....hmmm. Any way it's done and I'm happy with it. I particularly like the carpet, it's wool and very plush. The  brown colour with the tan trim is quite inviting and this colour should hide dirt reasonably well.

I was also surprised at the small amount of room for the seats, you really strap this car on.

I gave up on the trim rail that I purchased for the dash (seen in previous post), it was to wide and did not have the correct angles where the door trim meets it. I cut one from 3/4" oak, the fit is more accurate.